photo of me


About Me

I'm a software developer and a computer science and mathematics student at the University of Buenos Aires. I have participated in various math and programming Olympiads, and now I'm giving back to the community by coaching the Argentina IOI team.

Resume (pdf)


My primary interest lies in programming language research. I'm a member of the LoReL research group and am currently pursuing my master's thesis on categorical models of linear intuitionistic logic, as part of a research program focused on defining quantum programming languages based on proof systems for linear logics.

I'm also part of the KAPOW research group, where I study the properties of random sequences and methods for generating them using tools from extremal graph theory.


informatics awards

ICPC World Finals

International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)

Ibero-American Olympiad in Informatics (OII)

mathematics awards

International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)

Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Matemática (OIM)

Olimpiada Matemática Rioplatense

Olimpiada Matemática del Cono Sur

Olimpiada Iberoamericana Matemática Universitaria (OIMU)


2021-present@ MODO

2019-present@ Universidad de San Martín
